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Navigate the Campaigns Page


A campaign has already been created.

click on the campaign you need, or access it from the URL you have been provided with.

Campaigns Page

The campaigns page supports the management of your campaign and its associated proofs.

Sort or Filter Campaigns

You may sort and/or apply filters to narrow down your campaign search:

  • Sort order

Sort by created date, due date, or name

  • Filter

Filter by ownership

  • Stage

Filter by status of the campaign

Proof Thumbnails

Proofs are available as thumbnails on the campaigns page.

To simplify finding proofs, you can toggle between the views:

  • A. Compact
  • B. Full
  • C. List

by selecting the relevant icon on the top right corner of the proof pane:

By default, compact thumbnails are displayed to conserve space.

Arrange proofs

The owner can rearrange the order of proofs by dragging the thumbnails into the preferred order.

Compare proofs

Click on the "Compare proofs" button at the top menu bar to side-by-side your proofs.

Thumbnail ellipsis

Various functions are available from the ellipsis on the proof's thumbnail:

New version

This action brings up a dialog to add a new proof version.

Learn more about adding a new proof version

Select for comparison

Select which proofs are required for a side-by-side comparison.

Remove master

"Remove as Master" deletes the "Master" status associated with the selected proof.

Note that the current master is identified by the "Master" tag at the top of its card:

Complete proof

"Set review complete" designates the proof review cycle as finished.

Notice that the proof's completed status is indicated by a tick:


Delete the version or the proof.

Deleting a proof deletes all comments and annotations associated with it. Learn more about deleting proofs.

Thumbnail hover actions

Placing your cursor above a thumbnail you offers the following functions:

  • Preview or preheader text
  • View proof

Opens the proof in a full page

  • Quick preview

Opens the proof in a pop up

  • Copy link

"Copy proof link" is available on hover and from the ellipsis: adds the URL of the selected proof to the clipboard.

  • Show comments

Provides the history of comments on the selected proof.

Comments and History

The comments and history of the campaign/proof review are provided in the right-hand pane of the app:

Notice, these are demarcated into:

  • Timeline

Provides the history of activities associated with the campaign/proof. To filter down to history for an individual proof, use the "show comments" option for that proof in the thumbnail hover actions detailed above.

  • Activity

The comment activity is available at the campaign or proof level. To filter down to comments for an individual proof, use the "show comments" option for that proof in the thumbnail hover actions detailed above.