Dynamic Content Proofing
Dynamic content is a powerful way to deliver personalized content to a recipient. Properly executed it can really improve the results of your campaign.
However, proofing the variations produced by dynamic content can be challenging.
With ProofJump, you no longer have to crowd stakeholders inboxes with email variations. You send the variations to ProofJump and share a single campaign link with your stakeholders for review.
Dynamic Content Proofing Options
Ad Hoc
Using the ad hoc method, you just send your dynamic content variations to ProofJump like you would in any other campaign.
Automated Proof Labels
Automated Proof Labels allow you to automate the labeling and versioning of your proofs by embedding simple variables in the proofs you send to ProofJump.
Questions? Contact support@proofjump.com and we will walk you through the optimal workflow for your dynamic content proofing requirement.